The Carson Wentz Roller Coaster

An Eagles Twitter timeline of the Carson Wentz saga

Tommy Orme
3 min readFeb 12, 2021
Carson Wentz in his natural habitat. Graphic by author.

The Carson Wentz watch has overtaken Eagles Twitter, and I cannot stop watching.

It feels like months ago when we all found out that the Philadelphia Eagles were shopping their former starting quarterback.

Trapped inside and just waiting.

We’re stuck here (wherever your ‘here’ is) waiting for something to happen, but each day we rise, and nothing has happened.

Each day the sun sets, and Wentz hasn’t said a word. No comments. Nothing. Eagles fans are stewing in a bog of their own gaseous creation.

This is like watching Lost, and I believe it may conclude with a similar payoff. We were all dead the whole time.

In any case, over the past week, the Twitter contingent of Philadelphia faithful has narrowed Wentz’s landing spot to one place: the Chicago Bears.

In order to provide a little context for those of you living outside the Philadelphia Eagles online echo chamber, some members of the media had this trade wrapped up almost a week ago.

I don’t think Bears fans were thrilled, which should certainly tell you something.

However, everyone woke up, and nothing had happened. *Checks Twitter trends. . . something, something impeachment, something, something Disney Plus something, something Clarice* but nothing about Wentz.

To say that Eagles fans are frustrated doesn’t even begin to explain this level of pain. Here’s a tweet from Jimmy Kempski to make my point.

Let me be clear.

This isn't some nothing transaction that we’re flirting with; she might have been the one. Alas, another American divorce ending in heartache, lawyers, and less money than what we started with (33.8MM to be exact).

This one is once in a lifetime.

Not to mention, it's like the rest of the NFL are gracious extras in the Philadelphia soap opera.

Every multi-million-dollar dismissal is just shedding cap for Wentz, and it's a fun game to play. Here’s a tweet from Chris Infante to prove my point.

Still, we sit at home, glued to our laptops, pretending we’re not watching Bar Rescue during the workday. We are just waiting.

Enter Chicago Bear’s running back, David Montgomery.

Everyone absolutely lost their mind when Montgomery opened up his digital pie hole. Of course, he preceded to delete his proclamation within the hour, but the damage had been done.

So as the dust settles, it's the Bears, right? Nope, nothing. Just more confusion and pent-up, Broad Street aggression.

Is this the Twilight Zone or Clockwork Orange? Who cares? They’re making us watch, and we’re not allowed to leave.

So that’s all for now. We continue to wait, but while we continue to refresh our Twitter feeds, let’s not forget how much Wentz has meant to this city over the past five years.

It's easy to get lost in the drama and forget the human being we’re obsessing over. The kid from North Dakota that came to save us. The man who did real things to make the City of Brotherly Love a little more brotherly.

He can leave, but it's always about what you leave behind that matters most.

It's been a good ride with a great man, and I think I speak for everyone when I say thank you, Carson.

